I was just over at the Sustainable Dressage website and found an intriguing article about the shoulder-in volte. This exercise apparently teaches the horse to engage from behind and round, as well as stretch the back, lower the neck, and relax the jaw. You can read the article here -- http://www.sustainabledressage.com/rollkur/shoulder-in_volte.php
I'm planning on going over this article very carefully and then trying it out on Salem tomorrow before I get on him. We're still having a bit of an "ostrich neck" issue and I would like to teach Salem to stretch down and out without relying on "gadgets" like draw reins or de gogues. I know next to nothing about dressage, but I really want to do things right with this guy. Please keep your fingers crossed for us, and I will report back (hopefully with good news!).
4 weeks ago
I will definitely check out the article. Remember too (although the DQ purists will shudder and point), that "gadgets" are not always terrible. They are nothing but tools and I'm a big believer in not throwing out all tools that may be useful just because some tunnel-vision, white-polo-loving, finger-waver shrieks in horror. For a horse who's just not "getting it", I really like a guiding gadget, like draw reins or vienna reins to use a time or two to just show them what you are looking for. Then you take them off and continue and the horse has a better understanding of what you want. All too often, article ranting against gadgets are from people who are used to work with fancy moving horses, bred from dressage, and trained in their discipline from the ground up. A more normal horse -- stiff, lopsided, undermuscled, with bad habits or a spotty background -- needs a little extra help and guidance to learn how to use himself correctly!
Ack, sorry for all the typos....horrors!
Thanks, Brena, I have been completely on the fence about the whole draw rein issue. In fact, I was going to do an entire post about it, and I might still possibly do it. I can see some truth to both sides of the issue. I really do not want to be one of those people that relies on all kinds of "tackle," though. *sigh* Why can't this stuff be more clear-cut?!
Oh, and I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of vienna reins from Salem's owner. She knows that she has a pair, but she just can't seem to find them yet. Once I get them, I plan on longeing him in them every now and then.
(Lol, and don't worry about the typos -- I have them all the time, and I majored in English. I hope they don't take back my degree!)
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